Pool Heat Pumps


Pool heat pumps are ideal for locations where ambient outside air temperatures are consistently warmer than normal. The compressors of pool heat pumps operate more efficiently with warm ambient air extracted by its compressors to heat cold pool water in tubes before pumping it back into the swimming pool.

Pool heat pumps are an efficient and environmentally safe way of heating pool water because of its lesser dependence on non-renewable resources. Pool heat pumps do not generate or naturally create heat, and they are less subject to damage from constant use and thermal wear than conventional gas-powered or electric pool heaters, with fewer moving parts than traditional pool heaters and quiet operation, longer heating performance, and environmental robustness, pool heat pumps are less likely to break under constant use. Using either wired or wireless controllers with wide latitude in selecting automatic heat settings, pool heat pumps and their controllers allow easy and convenient installation on different locations near the pool deck.

Pool heat pumps are initially more expensive to purchase over the more traditional gas-powered swimming pool heaters, but the considerable savings they bring because of less or no fuel expenditures are significant to offset their initial investment costs. Pool heat pumps are more cost-effective in the long run with lower annual operating costs, fewer maintenance bills, and higher pool heating efficiency.

Electricity bills are only the major expense for using pool heat pumps. Electrical power is used for the efficient operation of the air and water pumps to draw in warm outside air and cold pool water before it circulates both in a heating pump, then filtered and circulated back into the pool. Since pool heat pumps typically require time and warm ambient temperatures at the pool area for warming up a pool to its ideal swimming temperatures, it typically takes 12-24 hours for complete warming of a pool using pool heat pumps. Pool heat pumps typically consume less power and utility expenses over time to maintain ideal pool water temperatures since it constantly circulates warm pool water to maintain ideal swimming temperatures.

Pool heat pumps are also safer, can be conveniently located and operated near the proximity of a pool deck area since it generates no thermal heat and prevents the potential for heat injuries to people, children, and pets. Conventionally using only a small but efficient electric pump and compressor to draw in warm outside ambient and cold pool water, pool heat pumps can efficiently heat cold pool water through its heat pumps with less energy used.

A clear disadvantage of pool heat pumps is that it is not very efficient for locations where colder climates or cold ambient air is the norm. Pool heat pumps need sufficient warm ambient air for its heat pumps to work efficiently in warming swimming pool water. Discretely operating unobtrusively in the background, pool heat pumps are an efficient, discrete, and cost-effective way of gently heating a pool.

With no fuel use and fewer power expenditures, pool heat pumps can significantly offset its initial investment cost with lower annual operating expenses, fewer maintenance bills, and higher pool heating efficiencies.


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