Environment-Friendly Heating System

The general solar heating system is the main engine in use in solar pool heating Melbourne. It is also taking advantage of solar energy in heating pools, and it has proven to be the most profitable use of solar energy in any climate.

The main principle in solar power is that it allows the capture of the sun’s energy and transforms this energy into manageable power to illuminate a house, feed a computer, and irrigate farms, and heat swimming pools as well. 

In short, the potential for this energy is mostly in its use in domestic households, depending on the size and type of installations. For swimming pools, the ideal is keeping it five to ten degrees above the surrounding temperature.

The system

It begins with the solar collector composed of polypropylene tubes, plus an additive to prevent wear by solar radiation. The collector attracts solar radiation by heating the water that circulates through it.

The cold water enters through the bottom of the system and branches into the tubes, where it warms up. When water heats up, it loses density. This causes rising to the top of the system and returning to the pool driven by the pressure of the recirculation pump.

Basically, this is how the solar pool heating Melbourne water heats up and allows you to extend the bathing season well into the winter.


Generally, water heaters used for this purpose needs to incorporate at least the components along with the pool’s existing pump and check value.

The solar heaters used not only capture the sun’s energy, it also helps circulate the water through them with the use of the pump to be heated and return to the pool.

In general, the solar heaters used for this purpose must incorporate at least the following elements along with your pool’s existing pump and check valve.

The filters make sure that the water will have no debris. The diverter valve will direct the water flow through the solar collector. If the water is hot, the valve will remain closed and will circulate it back to the pool.


The present climate in your area and the hours of exposure to sunlight in your home determine the considerations in a solar system. For starters, the usual dimensions needed in the solar installation are the equivalent between 50% and 100% of the size of the solar pool heating Melbourne.

However, not all places have the same requirements and there are minute differences that must be fine-tuned to get the best decision. Another important consideration is the type of solar installation you chose, which covers the collectors without coverage and those that have them.

Those without covers are cheaper although those with covers have greater efficiency to capture heat.

These types are options to take into account the domestic use of clean energy. The savings and the low maintenance cost are some of its advantages. They also last longer than your average gas pool heaters and good for the environment.

Before buying your solar pool heater, have your resources of your house evaluated and determine the efficiency of the system.


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