How Does A Pool Heat Pump Warm The Water?

Heat pumps are efficient equipment because they do not need to generate heat to warm the pool water. What they do is transfer the heat from the air temperature into the water. You can use a pool heat pump Brisbane for your in-ground pool when the climate is mild and humid. If you are looking to open your pool earlier in the spring or keep it open later into the fall, then it is an excellent piece of pool equipment. How Does It Work? As the water in the swimming pool runs through the pool pump, it passes a filter and a pump heater. The heat pump comes with a fan that draws in the ambient air and guides it over an evaporator coil. The liquid refrigerant inside the coil absorbs the heat from the air and turn it into a gas. Next, the warm gas passes through the compressor, creating an extremely hot gas and passing through the condenser. Then, the condenser transfers the heat to the cooler pool water that circulates through the heater. The heated water re...