What is Capricornia Solar Pool Heating?
Pool heating with solar technology uses the sun's power to heat the water in the pool in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner. Water stores heat much better than air, so a temperature drop of only 4 to 5 degrees Celsius can be expected at night. This is usually quickly compensated for by the morning sun. While the unheated water in the pool usually does not exceed a temperature of 23 degrees Celsius, except during hot periods, you can easily reach water temperatures of 27 degrees Celsius and more with a pool heater that uses solar energy. How does Capricornia solar pool heating technology work? Dark surfaces are strongly heated by solar energy. Pool heating with solar technology uses this effect to heat the water. The heart of the system are large, dark mats, the so-called pool absorbers. On the underside of the pool absorber, there are serpentine pipes. A pump conveys the pool water through the lines of the pool absorber....